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Olympic Surfing Comes to a ‘Poisoned’ Paradise (Tahiti, Still a French Colony!)

Voila! from the New York Times: Olympic Surfing Comes To A ‘Poisoned’ Paradise. Remember the atomic bomb tests involving Polynesia? Last one by France in 1994! not 1954!

“The [French colonialist} declassified documents hold further surprises. One map shows that the highest radiation reading recorded on the entire island of Tahiti was in Teahupo’o, the village that is hosting the Olympic surfing event. Yet when a version of that map was published in the 2006 report, the reading from Teahupo’o was omitted.” from

Boy! Folks!! the NT Times closed those comments quick!! typical nuclear power power to suppress news about nuclear issues. This is all a crime against humanity from day one of the whole nuclear bomb thing, which evolved into nuclear power and is still going on today in over 400 countries perpetrating nuclear power on their people around the world 🌎 And some countries are dumb enough to try to build more nuclear plants☄️🔥

It’s hard to believe that in 2024 Tahiti is still a colony of France and the article also says that there are 20 similar arrangements with the United States, United Kingdom, and France around the world: in other words colonies (protectorates, territories) that still exist in 2024. Plus it’s still hard to believe also, but France had the nerve to explode its last nuclear test in 1994!!! not 1954. And be aware Donald Trump wants to resume nuclear testing for the United States — don’t let that get buried in the bullshit.

And this is such a typical paragraph about this suppression of nuclear ☢️ information from this New York Times article Relative to the France-produced Olympics of 2024:

“The declassified documents hold further surprises. One map shows that the highest radiation reading recorded on the entire island of Tahiti was in Teahupo’o, the village that is hosting the Olympic surfing event. Yet when a version of that map was published in the 2006 report, the reading from Teahupo’o was omitted.”

Disgusting! The world needs to be rearranged
& not by the bankers, or the weapons sellers, or the powerful mad geniuses wanting to take & totemize Everything for themselves and their possession.


Olympic Surfing Comes to a ‘Poisoned’ Paradise

‘Fukushima Update March 2019’ Now Available on youtube – 60,000 Views So Far

The devastated Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant 150 miles north of Tokyo is still leaking highly contaminated radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean at the rate of 80-150 TONS per day. Fukushima Prefecture is still far too radioactive for human habitation, yet the Japanese Olympics 2020 Committee is scheduling Olympics events in Fukushima!! and daring to start the Olympics Torch Run IN FUKUSHIMA!!! This will threaten the athletes and the visitors needlessly with long-lived microparticles of radionuclides that they may inhale, or ingest while eating, that could eventually cause cancer. Plutonium, strontium, cesium, iodine are some of the names of the hundreds of radioactive radionuclides that potential victims will be exposed to.

Plutonium-239 has a half-life of 24,000 years and a ‘hazardous life’ (equal to 10-20 ‘half lives’) of 240,000 to 480,000 years – and only one millionth of one gram is the lung-cancer causing dose (454 grams in one pound). See more in the description under the youtube video you have the link to click on above. There have been over 47,000 views of the video thus far (4-16-19). I will add more to this post in the future. Also, I have started a petition with to Stop Japan Scheduling Olympics 2020 Events In Fukushima, that you are able to sign. People have requested this amidst the over-1500 comments on the video.

(C) 2019 Conrad Miller M.D.

The post image of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Explosion by Charles LeBlanc on Flickr, image-191637-panoVqfree-vfij from 3-14-2011, license with no changes made is Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

30th Anniversary Chernobyl Nuclear Accident & Fukushima Spews On Into Pacific Ocean

It’s been thirty years today April 26, 2016 that the Chernobyl nuclear disaster
occurred. Life expectancy in Russia and Byelorus has dropped by 20 years since
the disaster. But 60% of the radionuclides spewed out of the damaged reactor
landed OUTSIDE the USSR, mostly in Europe. More than a million people have
died prematurely thanks to Chernobyl.

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