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Sample Resolution Vs. Radioactive ‘Recycling’ and Deregulation

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Resolution Against
Radioactive “Recycling” and Deregulation

Be it resolved that the undersigned entities hereby support a prohibition on deregulation of radioactive wastes and materials.

This includes any and all deregulation of radioactive wastes and materials for “clearance,” “release,” “recycling,” “exemption,” listing as “below regulatory concern,” or any other legalistic mechanism that could result in the dispersal of nuclear wastes and materials into public commerce, unlicensed disposal, or designation and treatment as non-radioactive.

Such practices pose an indefensible hazard to public health and the environment for current and future generations.

Since there is no safe level of ionizing radiation, nuclear power, weapons and mining wastes should not be forced on an unknowing, unconsenting public.

Radioactive waste should not be treated as an asset or a commodity, and must be contained and isolated from the public and the environment for its entire hazardous life, at the expense of the waste generators.

Diane D’Arrigo, Nuclear Information and Resource Service